Are you one of those bloggers or website owners that do your
blogging work on your own without copying from other websites and don’t want
anyone to copy what you worked on? I spoke to doncaprio sometimes ago and he
said to me how he hates people copying his site content and most of all, get
higher Google ranking than him that had sleepless nights trying to crack those
content and almost run mad. He also told
me that he too was just like that about two years back(copying other site’s
content) but stopped last year. As for me, I hate people copying my site
content. I am also guilty of copying site contents but I’ve stopped it. I know
most people won’t like copycats copying their unique content. To start with, I
see no wrong when people copy other site content and re-edit it with their own wordings.
But what annoys me most is when some people copy exactly what as it is written.
I purposely posted this entry to tell the haters of content thefts how they
scare or arrest them. You can scare content thefts from copying your blog
contents by adding copyright banners on your website or blog as a warning.
Doing this will surely minimize the thieves.
But most of them are stubborn and for the stubborn ones, you can report them to Digital Millennium Copyright Act also known as DMCA. I call them the “internet police”. DMCA will do justice by removing them
from the Google adsense service (if you’re using it) and suspend your website
if you are using with an extra punishment that is removing you from
the search engine if you continue.
To get copyrights banners for your website or blog, use any
of the websites below:
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